Project Overview

4GD was tasked with assisting a Royal Navy unit with turning an existing structure into a training facility to teach ship boarding/clearance. Through careful, and detailed, engagement 4GD created a delivery that maximised the available space. Creating a reconfigurable training space on barracks significantly enhances the frequency, and quality, of training.

Key project features

This delivery, had several unique features;

  1. 20% of the available panel units are doors making the facility hugely reconfigurable.
  2. Lightweight and single person “slideable” the system enables reconfiguration by single instructors. Ensuring even the smallest team can get the benefit of the SimWall system.
  3. Bespoke grid painted onto the floor making scenario building significantly easier.
  4. 3’ panel width along with the grid makes the creation of narrow passageways simple. Ensuring the replication of ship’s corridors is possible and allowing on barracks maritime boarding training.
  5. Phase 2 would see the creation of bespoke units to replicate unique aspects of maritime operations such as portholes and watertight doors.
  6. While not deployable a delivery of this sort of scale can be deployable in our DSS (see video below).
829 SqFt

Of reconfigurable training space

249 Ft

Length of SimWall panel product


Rooms able to be replicated


Facility Floors